
What Do Baby Bats Sound Like?

It might surprise a lot of people that baby bats sound like birds. They even chirp! They use their high-pitched voices to communicate. Some people may even compare them to human babies! They are typically quiet, but when you bring together these baby bats together, they produce quite the noise!

If you have baby bats in your property, call the professionals from Bat Control for more information on how to move forward.

You might hear screeching, wings flapping and scuffling. This is what it is and it is a clear indicator that you have baby bats at home! Baby bats only weigh a few grams when they are newborns and can weigh up to a few 10 grams or so.  For the first 6 months of their life, they are completely reliant of their mother’s milk.

Therefore, it is illegal to remove bats from the home. A lot of bats are under protected status. Therefore, people are not allowed to remove bats during their maternity season as well which will last from June to August. This is where most bats give birth to their young.

Most bats that will come into the home will make sure they land in the attic. This is because the attic is within the height of their flight path. The attic allows a very good habitat for the bats because the attic mimics their natural habitat.

They usually stay in dark and secluded spots which also gives them adequate shelter. They will roost in caverns, caves, and rock crevices, and stay in highly dense forests. These bats are coming in high amounts to our urban places because of the convenience it gives. The issue is partly because of deforestation because a lot of bats get disturbed when they are roosting. Lots of bats see their forests as a good layer of protection.

When bats find themselves in the attic, they also spread feces around together with urine. This turns the attic into a hotspot with bacteria and disease. Bat feces are like rat feces and they usually pile up since they only roost.

The only way to get rid of bats is to hire a bat professional from Bat Control to make sure that these bats are out of the property. Professionals will get these bats out through a detailed exterior inspection to find out where the entry points are. Once the technicians know where these entry points are, the technicians will make sure that property owners are informed, and the technician will move on to the second phase of the bat exclusion. The technician will mount a bat cone. The bat cone leads the bat out of the property. Once the bat leaves the property, the bat cannot come back anymore. Once the bat is out, the technician will move on to bat-proofing the property.