How to Get a Bat Out of House

How to Get Rid of a Bat in the House

Bats usually fly into houses when they get lost. Their colonies are nearby, but they went indoors by accident. In other cases, the bat is a single male during the reproductive season. Or, its colony suffered from disease, and it is alone. Bat populations in Ontario have decreased significantly due to white-nose syndrome. These are protected, endangered animals that must be removed from the home with care. Call Bat Control if there are bats in your area. We offer humane and comprehensive bat removal services that you can count on.

First, clear the room and open windows or doors to the outside. Open them as wide as you can. Then, turn off the lights and turn off the any lights you have outside. Leave the room and close it off from the rest of the house. Wait for the bat to leave on its own. Check on the bat after an hour or so and see if it got out. Check the curtains, wall decorations, and furniture. If the bat is injured, it may be on the floor. Bats that continue to perch in the house are usually tired and need help to get out.

Put on a pair of gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of pants. You want to cover your skin in case the bat flaps its wings or bites you. Then, grab a broom, a piece of cardboard, and a container, such as a bucket or a shoebox. If you don’t have one, you can use a big towel. Try to coax the bat out by gently placing the handle of the broom above it. The bat may instinctually cling to it, then you can bring the broom outside to a tree branch. Alternatively, you can cover the bat with the container, then slipping the cardboard underneath. Or, you can wrap it up in the towel. Always bring bats to trees, they cannot fly from the ground.

Bat-Proof the House

Once you have removed the bat from your home, it’s important that you bat-proof your home so no colony moves into the attic. Use caulk to seal off any gaps you find on the edges of your roof and between the soffits. Then, make sure that your windows have screens and that they are well installed. Keep doors closed at night and add chimney cap guards so that no bats fly indoors. If you’re worried a colony may have made itself at home in your attic, call in the experts. A certified wildlife technician can find the bats and put a one-way door to their entry point so they can get out safely.

The bat that flew into your house needs your help. Call a local wildlife rescue if removing it is too difficult, then call Bat Control for an inspection. We remove bats humanely and offer effective bat-proofing services to keep the animals out. If you want to help the bats in your area, consider adding a bat house to your yard. Bats need all the habitats they can get. A bat house will provide the animals with a safe place to roost. Call Bat Control today if you have any questions.