Can You Get Rabies From Touching a Bat

Can You Get Rabies From Touching a Bat?

Bats are fascinating creatures, and many people have misconceptions about bats. Fortunately, they are not as dangerous as many of us think, but as they are still wild animals, it is always better to stay clear. A lot of people do wonder whether touching a bat can result in rabies?

The good news, not touching a bat does not result in rabies, the same for touching their saliva, blood, or urine. It may seem very controversial, but these are just the facts. But no matter what, always avoid touching any of these! What can happen is that you can get infected if those same fluids enter either your eyes, mouth or any other opening, you can get infected with harmful bacteria. So what about rabies. To be infected with rabies, the bat must carry the rabies virus and pass it on to the human through an open wound or another opening.

Bat Control can remove the bats for you at a very affordable price by using time-tested methods! Hire us now and see fast results!

It might happen that a bat comes into your room and doesn’t know whether you are bitten or not. This can happen because the bat has very small teeth and makes sure it goes away as soon as possible. In that case, it is best to contact a medical professional and go to the nearest hospital.

Signs and symptoms can show up in two to eight weeks, in very rare cases, even longer. It is always the safest to assume that symptoms can appear very quickly. Therefore, it is very important that you go to the hospital immediately!

Rabies can travel incredibly fast and doesn’t need much to infect you. Apart from a direct bite, even the saliva can infect you if it travels through an open wound, eyes, mouth, cut, nose, and sore. If you get exposed, you will need to get treatment immediately by calling your local medical professional. If you have been exposed to rabies, wash the wound immediately with warm water and go to the nearest hospital.

There are a few early symptoms that people need to pay attention to which include :

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Numbness around the area where you got bitten
  • Feeling sick.

Later symptoms can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Itchiness around the wound even if the wound is completely healed.
  • Muscle spasms
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fear of air gusts (Aerophobia)
  • Fear of water (Hydrophobia)

If you think that you have bats in your home, contact the professionals from Bat Control and have them remove the bat or bats using time-tested methods that have always worked for other families, individuals, and business owners. Bats can do a lot of material damage in a short amount of time, so it is important to call professionals. You will receive a free over-the-phone consultation and an option to book our technicians for your next appointment!