Do Bats Bite You in Your Sleep

Do Bats Bite You in Your Sleep?

Bats are widely misunderstood animals, thanks to European folklore and superstition. Given their association with vampires and Halloween, one might be led to believe that these are vicious creatures that will bite you in your sleep and suck your blood. The truth is that bats are not aggressive animals. Should a bat enter your home, there is always the risk that it could bite you, but it is very unlikely. Bats are insectivores that would rather stay away from you. Keep your distance from these animals and call Bat Control immediately if they have entered your home.

Centuries ago, the English word for bat was fluttermouse, or flying mouse. Bats really are a lot like mice in the sense that they are small and quite harmless. In Canada, bats only weigh about 15g and have wingspans ranging from 21 to 40cm. They feed only on insects and live in groups, roosting in hollow trees, empty mines, and caves. Only the three vampire bats of Central and South America feed on blood. These bats typically bite sleeping birds and livestock. Suffering a bite is highly unlikely, especially in Canada, but it is wise to take caution. Bats can bite you if you get too close.

What to Do if a Bat Enters the House

First, do not panic. The bat may be migrating and somehow got lost. Close the doors inside your home and leave one window or door open to let the animal leave. If it does not leave after a few hours, you can try catching it. Wear thick work gloves and grab a plastic bucket or container. Cover the animal, then slide a piece of cardboard underneath the container to trap it. Carefully bring the container outside, then release the bat next to a tree trunk so it can climb and take flight. If it’s too much, contact your local wildlife rescue or removal service.

How to Get Rid of Bats in the Attic

Bats will roost in attics as an alternative to natural habitats. They use openings in the sides of the roof, such as gaps along the edges of the soffits, to get inside. Invasions are most common in the countryside during the spring and fall. If a bat has entered your living space, or if you have noticed that bats fly around your house, you should have your attic inspected by a professional. A technician can confirm the presence of bats, then evict them by installing a one-way door to their entry point. Bats are protected in Canada – hire a professional to remove them humanely.

While it is highly unlikely that the bats in your area bite you in your sleep, it’s important that you keep them out of the house. Bats will dirty your attic with guano, ruining your insulation and causing odour issues. Call a wildlife removal company as soon as you suspect that there are bats in your home and have them removed humanly. Then, have your roof excluded professionally and install a bat house somewhere outside so the bats have somewhere safe to live.